Departments of General Surgery
Introduction :
Department of General Surgery exists in this hospital since 1975, when it was upgraded to District Hospital. In 2014 it was affiliated to New Government Medical College, in same building & Premises.

Facilities :
Both Major (Two) & Minor Ots were renovated between 2007 to 2014 by the then Civil Surgeon Dr. M.K. Diwakar & Dr. C.S. Mohbey.
Available Equipments :
All instruments for General Surgery of Abdomen. Limbs, Chest etc for Acute emergencies & Trauma are available with us.
We also have Laparoscopic system with advanced Energy sources for MAS as well as UGI & LGI endoscopes with C Arm Xray unit for invasive surgeries..
Achievements and Research :
This hospital caters not only Rajnandgaon district but also adjoining Maharashtra.
Dr. M.K. Diwakar, Associate Prof & HOD Surgery, received several awards & Felicitations at International, National & State levels by recognised Associations & Govt of Chhattisgrah as well for excellent achievements in Surgery, in 2002/2004 on Independent Day.
Awards and Achievments :
1. Dr. M.K. Diwakar was also conferred Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (FMAS) by National Association of Minimal Access surgery in 2015.
He has represented this Institute as Chairperson& expert faculty in different International, National & State level conferences of General Surgery, Onco-surgery & Minimal Access Surgery.
He presented several scientific papers on different innovative techniques developed by him in India which received high degree of acclaim everywhere.
2. Dr. Aradhna Toppo, Assistant Prof, also received Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (FIAGES) & EFIGES (Endoscopic).
3. Dr. Haresh Talreja, Assistant Prof, also is conferred Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (FIAGES).
Courses : M.B.B.S
Symposium/Seminar/Publication :
1. Held in Association with Department of OBS & Gyne on LAH by Expert Surgeon from Maharashtra.
2. Active participation in State Conf of Orthopedics.
3. Conducted CMEs on Ethics in Teaching & Safe Surgical Guidelines for Teachers & Students.
Publication :
Dr. M.K. Diwakar
1. Closed drainage of Breast abscesses-a prospective study conducted at Tertiary care hospital.
2. Study of clinical profile of patients with acute abdomen & Surgerical interventions done at the secondary. (turned tertiary)care hospital at a district place of Chhattisgarh state.
Dr. Aradhna Toppo
1. Assessment of Bacteriological profile & Outcome of Empyema Thoracic in hospitalised children in a tertiary care hospi of Raipur City (C.G.)
2. Clinical presentation & outcome of fistula in ano cases.
Dr. Haresh Talreja
1. Study of clinical profile of patients with acute abdomen & Surgerical interventions done at the secondary. (turned tertiary) care hospital at a district place of Chhattisgarh State.
Clinical Material in the Hospital :
Majority of patients are brought due to Road Traffic Accidents with multi organ injuries, because our Hospital is located in a city which is on the busy National Highway between Mumbai & Kolkata (NH56), therefore all types of patients are available for clinical & therapeutic purposes.
We treat patients of all age groups including paediatric to geriatric diseases.
List of Faculty :
Department HOD & Faculty Details
Following Table Shows The Faculties in Department of General Surgery. |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact No | Email Id |
Dr. S. Chandrakar | Professor and Head | M.B.B.S., M.S. | +91-- | - |
MBBS Course is Recognised by the Medical Council of India (MCI), New Delhi and Affiliated to the Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh, Raipur.

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