Departments of Anaesthesia
Introduction :
The Department of Anaesthesia comprises of a highly integrated, collaborative group of dedicated anaesthesiologists catering to various surgical specialities, lending their expertise to the management of a variety of cases of all age-groups along with integrated clinical research and education. The department caters to various specialties like General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, ENT, Ophthalmology & Dental surgery.

The department has eleven operating theatres in the OT complex equipped with workstations, multipara monitors and difficult airway gadgets including, video-laryngoscopes, supraglottic airway devices and sets for percutaneous tracheostomy and crico-thyrotomy. The Department runs a pre-anesthetic clinic in the out-patient department for patients who come for day-care surgery. Labour analgesia (painless labour) is also rendered by the department when requested. The Department provides emergency services with consultant back-up 24 x 7 to ensure prompt attention and care of the patients coming to the Emergency. Emergency services are provided in the OT, Casualty, Trauma centre and Intensive Care Unit.
MBBS Interns, trainees and students are encouraged to attend BLS-ACLS courses, ventilator/ hemodynamic/ difficult airway management workshops.
The Department is also involved in simulation based CPR training of undergraduate, interns and nursing students. Undergraduates are introduced to the basics of anaesthesia, critical care management, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and trauma life support in the course of a lecture series as well as in clinical posting.
Facilities :
1. Outpatient Services : Routine Pre Anaesthetic Check Up clinic from 8AM – 2PM, Weekly Pain clinic.
2. Routine Operation Theatre Services : Total 9 operation theatres equipped with workstations, BIS monitors, Multipara monitors etc for Orthopaedic, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, General Surgery, ENT & Dental Surgeries.
3. Emergency Operation Theatre Services : Total 02 fully equipped 24 × 7 functioning operation theatres for all types of emergency surgeries.
4. Critical Care Services : Ventilation – Invasive & non invasive, central line insertion, blood gas analysis, videolaryngoscopy and supra-glottic airway devices for difficult airway management.
5. CPR & Intubation manikins for hands on training in BLS & ALS.
Available Equipments :
• Multifunction OT tables
• Triple Dome OT lights
• Cardiac Monitors
• Portable Ventilators
• Plasma sterilizer
• Ventilators
• ABG machine
• Multipara monitors, anaesthesia work station , BIS Monitors, Syringe pumps
• Supraglottic airway devices
• Flexometallic tubes, I gel, LMA devices
• Nerve locator with locoplex needles
• Intubation boxes
• Video-laryngoscopes
Achievements and Research :
Conducted reconstructive surgery camp in 2020 at District Balod.
Symposium/Seminar/Publication :
• 72 Seminars for interns posted in the anaesthesia department
• Zoom App seminar for MBBS Students
Clinical Material in the Hospital :
Total number of surgeries (2019) = 3525
List of Faculty :
Department HOD & Faculty Details
Following Table Shows The Faculties in Department of Anaesthesia. |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact No | Email Id |
Dr. Durga Kosam | Professor and Head | M.B.B.S., M.D. (Anaesthesiology) | +91-9826075062 | |
MBBS Course is Recognised by the Medical Council of India (MCI), New Delhi and Affiliated to the Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh, Raipur.

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