Departments of Anatomy
Introduction :
The department of Anatomy is situated in the ground floor of college building beside Dean office at Medical College Rajnandgaon. The human anatomy is the basic science and backbone of medical profession dealing with the macro and micro structure of the human body. In our medical education/profession, the sound knowledge of Human Anatomy, enhances understanding, proficiency and skill required for Indian Medical Graduate.

The department is involved in providing medical teaching and training at the undergraduate level since 2014 and also to B.Sc. Nursing course since 2015. We have an expert group of faculty which is involved in developing various teaching-learning methods.
We have well-established Dissection Hall, Museum and now trying to provide an anthropological research lab with this vision to set up comparative anatomy. We have commenced establishing Departmental library, Cadaveric Lab, Bone bank and histology lab towards excellent teaching, training & research activities. With use of modern teaching methodologies and innovative ideas recommended by the MCI, we are giving practical training like OSPE, Tutorial, Small group discussion, Students seminar, Model & Chart competitions project for students, Integrated teaching with Interdepartmental involvement.
Facilities :
Body donation, Embalming, Research, Bone bank.
Available Equipments :
• Binocular Microscope - 2
• Disarticulated skeleton - 25
• Articulated skeleton - 4
• Student Microscope Monocular With Oil emersion - 60
• Slide cabinet - 5
• Multimedia - 2
• Laptop - 1
• Camera - 1
• Computer - 2
• Student microscopes - 35
• Embalming Machine - 2
• Refrigerator(240 lit) - 1
• Hand saw - 3
• Paraffin wax bath - 1
• Hot air oven - 1
• Dissection microscopes - 5
• X-Ray View Box - 4
• Rotary Microtome for section cutting - 1
• Band saw - 1
• Cooling Mortuary cabinet - 2
• Drill machine - 2
• Slide caliper - 4
• Cannula for embalming(Arterial cannula) - 2
• BOD Incubator - 1
• Electronic Weighing Machine - 1
• Brain Knife - 4
• Water Baths - 1
• Dissecting Instrument - 25
• Specimen jars - 120
Achievements and Research :
Dr Rahul Ukey attended CISP Workshop as resource Person.
Courses : MBBS
Symposium/Seminar/Publication :
20 Seminars, List of Publications (Last 3 Years) :
1. Study of histogenesis of human fetal renal medulla. Dr Rahul Ukey as first author (2018).
2. Histogenesis of muscularis mucosae of human urinary bladder. Dr Rahul Ukey as corresponding author (2017).
3. Study of humoral immunity and complement activity in diabetes mellitus in Vidarbha region. Dr Anil Rahule as corresponding author (2020).
4. Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) and its correlation with mortality in Indian population J Victor, SV Tambe, V Mary, AS Rahule, MK Tabhane (2017).
5. Study of lip patterns in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra . MK Tabhane, DD Ksheersagar, NS Wakode, AS Rahule, SV Tambe (2018).
6. Morphological variations of caecum and appendix in the central india: a cadaveric study. Shilpa sonare , Prafulla nikam , namdeo kamdi (2019).
List of Faculty :
Department HOD & Faculty Details
Following Table Shows The Faculties in Department of Anatomy. |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact No | Email Id |
Dr. Monika Pradhan | Associate Professor and Head | MBBS, MS (Anatomy) | +91-8758986192 | |
MBBS Course is Recognised by the Medical Council of India (MCI), New Delhi and Affiliated to the Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh, Raipur.

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